UYRB Recruitment 2015 For Junior Engineer and Other Posts Applications

UYRB Recruitment 2015 For Junior Engineer and Other Posts Applications From
UYRB_ Upper Yamuna River Board has released the recruitment notification for the year 2015. The applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the posts of Junior Engineer, design assistant, Assistant Executive engineer and other vacancies. This recruitment is on deputation basis for group A,B and C cadres. The candidates can apply in the prescribed format from the official website before last date i.e, within 60 days from the date of advertisement.

This time UYRB invites applications from the eligible persons of Indian origin. It is good opportunity for the job seekers having age limit as per government rules and regulations and the candidates interested to work in this department can apply for these vacancies. The candidates applying for the posts must possess minimum required qualification and experience as per norms of government. The selected candidates for the above mentioned post will get attractive salary and emoluments.

More information regarding the recruitment of UYRB, vacancy details, name of cadre, Education criteria, selection process, how to apply, pay scales, application fee, important dates and links are prescribed under in this website for reference of candidates.

UYRB 2015 Recruitment Details:

Name of the organization: UYRB_ Upper Yamuna River Board
Vacancy Details: Group A,B and C Posts

Name of cadre
Number of Posts
Member Secretary
Accounts Officer
Assistant Executive Engineer
Design Assistant
Executive Engineer
Junior Engineer
Section Officer
Specialist Environment
Specialist Ground Water
Superintending Engineer
Education Criteria:
The applicants should possess the following education criteria to apply for the above mentioned posts.

The candidates applying for the posts must possess Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering with experience in concerned field are eligible to apply.

Age Limitations:
The applicants possessing the age limit as per norms can apply for the vacancies.

Upper age limit- 56 years

Pay scales:
The candidates will get salary and emoluments as per norms of government.

Selection Process for the above mentioned Posts:
The candidates will be hired based on their performance in written examination and personal Interview conducted by officials.

How to apply:
The candidates have to apply in the prescribed form from the official website and submit the completely filled applications before last date.

Important dates to remember:
Last date to submit applications: Within 60 days from date of advertisement


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